Recently, I learned that I really need to slow down and focus on what I am doing in the here and now. After driving close to 30 miles to work, I realized that I did not remember ANY of the drive.

I did not recall stopping, turning, looking for other cars, etc. It actually scared me!

My thoughts were on a million other things. What did I need to do when I got to work? Who was I meeting with? Don’t forget to call so and so! I was probably also talking to myself which I do a lot when I am in the car alone.

I often replay a conversation that could have gone better. What could I have said differently?

Or I’m asking myself…

  • What am I doing today?
  • What’s for dinner tonight?
  • Did I turn off the curling iron, dryer, stove?

We hear talk about the dangers of distracted driving every day. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t text and drive. Don’t eat and drive. We don’t hear much about daydreaming and driving.

I know I am not alone in this…so my PSA for today is…

Don’t DAYDREAM and drive!

Be well, be safe, slow down and focus on the task at hand.